
Saturday, 22 March 2014

The StyleXStyle Project


Hello from S.Korea! I know I've been MIA for the longest time (again) but I've been crazy busy juggling work, my soon-to-be-nonexistent social life and a very special project that I absolutely cannot wait to share with you guys when its ready! Bear with me for the moment- although I think by the time I'm ready to start blogging properly again I won't have any more readers.

In the meanwhile, to breathe some life into this space, I'm very proud to share a project I was asked to be a part of some time back- which explains all the overdressed people in the photo above. Kidding.

For those of you that don't know, StyleXStyle is a Singapore-based website that focuses on all things fashion and cool and most importantly, provides a platform for narcissistic individuals like myself to share them OOTDs (it's a serious business). Think of it as our, but with way more content. 9 fashionista community members and myself were asked to be part of a video shoot that I believe has started airing on bus stops fitted with TVs and that giant screen on the side of ION. It was an incredibly cool opportunity and I cannot thank the StylexStyle team enough for thinking to include me!

(Then again, considering I'm not the most telegenic person around, I might feel differently about it after seeing my face blown up.)

Read the full post here
